Australians with disabilities who are struggling to find work are instead coming up with meaningful self-employed ventures.
The adventures of blind teddy bear Edward and his faithful guide dog Tuesday, penned by author Fran Underhill, are showing young people that a disability is not a handicap.
Work starts on Australia-first dementia village backed by industry superfund HESTA.
NSW will introduce an independent ageing and disability commissioner with powers to issue search warrants and trigger investigations to help "stamp out" abuse.
An innovative sensor app that helps improve health outcomes for wheelchair users has received $500,000 funding, and will be piloted in NSW.
To celebrate International Day of People with Disability, here's a short video of National Disability Services (NDS) and NDP staff sharing what they love about their jobs, and some myths about their disability. Check out NDP's CPD Coordinator Isabelle!
Institutional infrastructure investors are tapping into an emerging $5 billion specialised disability housing sector under the NDIS.
New research from National Disability Services (NDS) reveals three quarters of disability service providers believed the NDIS is not working well. NDS CEO Chris Tanti calls on the government to urgently invest $220 million into the sector through an Industry Investment Fund.
The disability sector hopes that more support for WA regional and remote areas will be reflected in the yet to be developed State Disability Plan.
Three-time Paralympic gold medallist Kurt Fearnley has been named the 2019 NSW Australian of the Year.